2016 5th Gaon Chart K

TheCircleChartMusicAwardsformerlyknownastheGaonChartMusicAwards,isamajormusicawardsceremonythatispresentedannuallyinSouthKoreaby ...,RookieofTheYear-AlbumNCT127.RookieofTheYear-Digital.Blackpink.DiscoveryoftheYear-R&B,年度發現獎:嘻哈-宋閔浩、R&...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Circle Chart Music Awards

The Circle Chart Music Awards formerly known as the Gaon Chart Music Awards, is a major music awards ceremony that is presented annually in South Korea by ...

6th Gaon Chart Music Awards 2016

Rookie of The Year - Album NCT 127. Rookie of The Year - Digital. Blackpink. Discovery of the Year - R&B

Gaon Chart K-pop Awards大贏家出爐| 娛樂| 重點新聞

年度發現獎:嘻哈-宋閔浩、R&B-Zion.T、indie-赫五、韓國傳統歌謠-李愛蘭。 年度hot performance獎:女團Red Velvet和男團 ...


「音源類年度最佳歌手」的得獎者為少女時代成員太妍、PSY、BLOCK B成員ZICO、MC夢、MAD CLOWN和Miss A等。

Winners of the 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards

BLACKPINK and TWICE both won the Artist of the Year Award for monthly song sales for two months, with BLACKPINK winning in August and November ...

Performances From the 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards

The 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards was held on February 22 to celebrate the best of K-pop in 2016, presenting awards to the best and brightest ...

[FULL] 170222 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards

[FULL] 170222 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards. 2.4M views · 7 years ... [2016 MelOn Music Awards] Part.1 (1부). 1theK (원더케이)•4.5M views · 1 ...

Gaon Chart Music Awards 2016 FULL

... 2016 #FULL #VLIVE #NCT127 #BLACKPINK #TWICE #EXO #BTS #GOT7 #SISTAR #GFRIEND #MAMAMOO I do not own anything all rights and credits go to ...

Circle Chart Music Awards

頒發給每年在KPOP韓國音樂界有重大優秀成就的明星。Circle Chart Music Awards由韓國音樂內容產業協會管理,韓國文化體育觀光部贊助,於2012年正式開始頒發。


TheCircleChartMusicAwardsformerlyknownastheGaonChartMusicAwards,isamajormusicawardsceremonythatispresentedannuallyinSouthKoreaby ...,RookieofTheYear-AlbumNCT127.RookieofTheYear-Digital.Blackpink.DiscoveryoftheYear-R&B,年度發現獎:嘻哈-宋閔浩、R&B-Zion.T、indie-赫五、韓國傳統歌謠-李愛蘭。年度hotperformance獎:女團RedVelvet和男團 ...,「音源類年度最佳歌手」的得獎者為少女時代成員太妍、...